Monday, September 10, 2012

I feel pretty

So, I have been going out on a limb and trying to dress "fashionable" lately. And, of course, I have to put my own spin on things as well as being artsy craftsy somehow. Well, this outfit (in my humble opinion) is all of the above. And at quite a bargain, too! The under teal tank top was $1 at Wet Seal, the flowy tank was one of those 5 for $20 at Wet Seal, the orange jeans were a regular pair of blue jeans I didn't wear much anymore, so I tried to bleach them the best I could then put them in a dye bath called "orange goldfish", and the cartigan was given to me as a white cardi, so I put it in a teal dye bath, and the teal flats were $3 at Gabes! Woot! THIS is my kind of outfit.... cheap, I had a creative hand in it, colorful, and I feel pretty!

(Please forgive the mess in the background.... it's my 4 year-old's room >.<)