Well, I've decided to take my hand at refashioning a thing or two around here. So, I thought I'd share !
I went through hubby's closet and found this boring, plain brown t-shirt.
But, I didn't want a brown shirt.. So, I thought Bleach would change the color somehow! So, we shall experiment!
I tied some knots in the shirt so it would be different shades of whatever color it ended up being!
hmmmmm, interesting! It's turning blue!
I thought it was about done and took the knots out to check it. YUCK! It's still VERY brown in there!
So, a little more bleach poured in, swished it around..... and..... lets see how it turned out!
Cool! The thread stayed brown!
Now, there was a picture on Pinterest that inspired me to try a technique on this shirt. Here is a photo of my inspiration for the back of this shirt!
hmm... what shall I use to secure the middle of each strip?... I rummaged through some junk, and found some ugly pajama pants that were given to me. What a perfect ribbon these pants have for my project!
Ok, so, I cut the strips on the back of the shirt, hand sewed the ribbon on and tried it on. It fit pretty good, but was difficult to take a picture of my own back. I think I have some tweaking to do to this shirt and it doesn't quite look like the 'inspiration' photo. But, I have a new, comfy shirt that ISN'T boring brown!
The finished product is, in Hubby's words "VERY 80's" ... I'll take that as a compliment, that seems to be what's hip and 'in' now anyways! :)
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